Day 1 at Nethybridge.

We have had beautiful weather for our first day of activities, which started with orienteering. Based on the front lawn, we used increasingly complex maps to look for locations using photo clues. 

Taking a break on the front lawn.

Off with another photo clue.

Getting the answers checked.

A short break - time to catch up with our Michelle Paver books.

Arriving at the zip wire tower.


Made it!

The adventure course was fun.

Morgan makes it look easy.
Finally time for a shower and a swim before tea, games, Time Out and supper. Phew!
Water polo.


  1. What beautiful weather. We had a lovely day here too. The first day looks like it was fun and very busy. Good to have a bit of down time too to do a bit of reading. Dona and Cameron made pancakes this afternoon and then helped Mrs Firth paint the rainbow steps. They are having a fun week too.

    Mrs Miller

  2. Fantastic to see your photos. Looks like you've all had an awesome first day. Hope the weather stays good for you the morn . Have fun, look forward to more updates on your blog.
    Susie Rendall

  3. What a fantastic day! It's great to be able to follow what your doing - we look forward to the next photographs.

    Ely Fraser

  4. Good to see everyone enjoying the nice weather and having lots of fun, thanks for photos.

    The Broons

  5. We have enjoyed looking at your photos this morning. We hope you are having fun. We are looking forward to having a go when we are in class 7!

    Class 2

  6. Great to see the photos, what lovely weather you are getting. Zip wire looks lots of fun. Looking forward to seeing what you have done today, have fun.
    Alison Wiley

  7. Good to see that you're having nice weather too. All the activities look like great fun! Looking forward to seeing more photos tomorrow. Well done everybody.

  8. Looks as if you're all having a fantastic time. We like the look of the zip wire.

  9. deer class 7 ihop you have been having fune

    the scool that i goto is glatnes carcwalle

    olivia in class 2


