The Road to Nethybridge.

At last! Time to set out on the journey to Nethybridge.

Time for snack and a game of cards.

A calm crossing was a great start to the journey.

Time for first lunch.

'We are on our way!'

Ice cream at Brora!

After arriving and meeting Brodie, our activity leader for the week, we got settled in and had a look around. Then time for our evening meal before a visit to the shop and a quick phone home.

Later - Time Out and supper after a few indoor and outdoor games.
Tomorrow morning - orienteering!


  1. Great photos enjoy yourselves

  2. We're glad that it looks as if you had a good crossing.We had icecream for lunch today! We hope that you enjoyed the orienteering today. The school is very quiet without you all! Enjoy yourselves, from 5A.

  3. ice cream looks yummy, LOOK OUT NETHYBRIDGE
