Pick up 3 Pieces!

Today we put the sticker we designed on the bin and it was put in front of the Marine Services buildings at Scapa. Our first task was to fill it up! Easy! Although the beach looks clean we know that there is a lot of rubbish under the sand. After the warm weather at the weekend there was a fair amount of debris from picnics and barbecues as well as the usual offcuts of net and rope, packing tape and plastic bottles.

Fionn from BBC Radio Orkney came to interview us about our project - listen to the radio early next week to hear all about it.

John Muir News

Last week the S Team returned to Scapa - this time we were made up of P7 and P4 and some parents.
We focused on the rocky end of the beach and looked in rockpools with Sue and Lindsey to find out about the range of biodiversity that was there - we saw some new creatures we had not seen before including a purple sponge and a sea squirt.

Of course we did bag some bruck while we were there including a stubborn tangle of ropes and net which was buried in the sand. We know there is more lying under the surface of the sand than we can reach. We filmed some video for our mockumentary - look out for that here soon!

 Today at school we were pleased to collectthe sticker for the bin which will go at Scapa encouraging people to pick up at least 3 pieces of litter on the beach. It look great - very bold and striking!

Next we will finish our beach plastic art for display at Underwater Orkney week beginning 4th June at King Street Halls, organised by Scapa Flow Landscape Partnership.

Our last day at Nethy.

We spent the last morning of our trip in the forest at Loch Garten. We found out about some of the plants and animals that make up the forest ecosystem. We made shelters from some of the materials we could find and had hot juice. As we left the forest it began to snow, after a week of sunshine. We had 4 seasons of weather within 24 hours!

The bus journey home was broken with another stop at the ice-cream shop in Brora.
What a great week!

Thumbs up from Glaitness, Evie and Firth P7s!

The BBQ and day 3 at Nethy

Wednesday night ended with a barbecue and some songs round the campfire with all the schools together as the sun set and the moon rose in a clear sky.

 Day 3 started with  the silver maze and problem solving in the forest. Team work and cooperation helped. Some of the problems required perseverance and quite a few attempts.

In the afternoon we went canoeing and did archery. The canoeing at the pond was great fun as we competed at picking up the balls to win points and had the obligatory jump in to freezing water at the end of the session.

It looked inviting in the hot weather, but it was a little more refreshing than expected!
The winers of the art competition with their work and their prize.
Tonight a DVD and a good sleep, then a Forest Adventure tomorrow morning before we leave.

Nethy Day 2

Another day of glorious weather and the groups split up to do the climbing wall and abseiling at the big tree. The new climbing wall is fantastic! A few warm up games and everyone had a free climbing challenge before attaching harnesses, and climbing up and abseiling down.

Can you get all the way round without touching the floor?
Belaying team.
 The other climbing activity was at the big tree.
Climbing up one side and abseiling down the other.

Claire goes up...
and Claire comes down!

I did it!
After lunch it was time to get kit organised for dry-slope skiing.

Height and weight needs to be measured and boots, helmets and skiis adjusted - lots of mental maths involved for the instructors, and Miss Gillies.
 The ski slope was bathed in sunshine so it was hot work getting around on the skis, but worth it!
Glaitness Ski Team - ready to go!
Future pros.
Half way up.

Up we go.
 As the afternoon progressed, everyone's skills improved until they were flying down with good control and only the occasional bump!
The button lift helped in the heat.

Getting the hang of the button lift.
We ended our activities with a competitive game of polo - with very relaxed rules...
Later, Time Out and supper.

Day 1 at Nethybridge.

We have had beautiful weather for our first day of activities, which started with orienteering. Based on the front lawn, we used increasingly complex maps to look for locations using photo clues. 

Taking a break on the front lawn.

Off with another photo clue.

Getting the answers checked.

A short break - time to catch up with our Michelle Paver books.

Arriving at the zip wire tower.


Made it!

The adventure course was fun.

Morgan makes it look easy.
Finally time for a shower and a swim before tea, games, Time Out and supper. Phew!
Water polo.