Active health - our pulse rates.

Continuing our exploration of active health, Miss Flett set up some activites for us in the hall, but first we need to stretch! Quite a few of us can share stretches we do for our sports.

Can you stretch like this?
 Then we got our pulse rates going!

Finally we took our pulse rates straight away and then compared that with our resting heart rate.
We can tell how fit we are by how quickly our pulse rates get back to normal.


Today we had our last after school kayaking session. A mix of the Blue Llamas and the Narwhals played the iceflow game, then had a go at touchig the front of the boats with their noses. Everyone had a go at capsizing with a spraydeck. We had some great attempts at stand-up paddling too!
We finished off with a relay race - towing a swimmer and carrying a toy octopus.
Well done everyone!
Thank you to Mr Fraser, Mrs Bunning and Ms Flett for their help.


This term we are focussing on Active Health, and, since our topic is World War 2, we have been trying out skipping. This was popular with children during World War 2 and still is today. Miss Flett took the class outside to skip with ropes. Another good way of getting outside and staying warm!